
Inordertostartusingit,simplyruntheexecutablefile(PingInfoView.exe),typethehostnamesandIPaddressesthatyouwanttoping,andclickthe'Ok' ...,2021年9月2日—ThenewversionofPingInfoViewtoolallowsyoutoeasilyspecifygroupnameforeverygroupofcomputersthatyouwanttoping.,Inordertostartusingit,simplyruntheexecutablefile(PingInfoView.exe),typethehostnamesandIPaddressesthatyouwanttoping,andclickthe'Ok' ...,,PingI...


In order to start using it, simply run the executable file (PingInfoView.exe), type the host names and IP addresses that you want to ping, and click the 'Ok' ...

Ping to different computer groups with PingInfoView tool

2021年9月2日 — The new version of PingInfoView tool allows you to easily specify group name for every group of computers that you want to ping.


In order to start using it, simply run the executable file (PingInfoView.exe), type the host names and IP addresses that you want to ping, and click the 'Ok' ...

PingInfoView v1.40

PingInfoView is a small utility that allows you to easily ping multiple host names and IP addresses, and watch the result in one table. at master

In order to start using it, simply run the executable file (PingInfoView.exe), type the host names and IP addresses that you want to ping, and click the 'Ok' ...

Using PingInfoView

Using PingInfoView, a Ping monitor utility, to continuously check that media gateways and other devices are online.


